Do you know how often you should see the dentist for a routine teeth cleaning? Dental professionals recommend going twice a year for routine and preventive care. During your teeth cleaning at Mentor Smiles, we will floss, brush, and ensure all the areas you might have missed with your toothbrush are taken care of. We will also check your gums for gum disease, provide root planing to remove excessive plaque and tartar buildup, and provide oral cancer screenings. 


While we do our best to ensure your dental problems are met with expert care, true dental care begins at home. It's up to you to make sure you're taking proper care of your teeth throughout the year. Each time you meet with a dentist at Mentor Smiles, feel free to ask any questions regarding your at-home dental care, routine, or products you have been trying. Our job is to help you adjust in order to make the best dental hygiene choices possible.


Here are some helpful tips to ensure you're taking proper care of your teeth at home:


  • Don't go to bed without brushing. It's almost too easy to forget to brush your teeth or be too tired to get up and go to the bathroom at night. However, it's important to remove the buildup of plaque that has accumulated throughout the day before falling asleep. 
  • Brush properly.   You should gently brush your teeth at an angle with small, circular back-and-forth motions. Using a hard-bristled toothbrush or brushing too hard can actually damage your gums.
  • Don't ignore your tongue!   Your tongue should be getting just as much attention as your teeth. Plaque buildup on the tongue can lead to bad breath and other oral health problems if not treated properly.
  • Use a fluoride toothpaste.   Many individuals tend to look for toothpastes labeled as "whitening" or flavored with a certain element. Whatever your choice, make sure there is also fluoride present in your toothpaste, as it defends against tooth decay.
  • Floss. You should floss once a day not only to remove any bits of food that have become wedged between your teeth, but also to reduce plaque, stimulate the gums, and help lower inflammation.
  • Use a mouthwash. Mouthwash can be used to target those hard-to-reach areas that your toothbrush and floss can't get. Children and elderly individuals can have an especially difficult time brushing. Mouthwash can help reduce acid in the mouth and clean those tough spots in and around your gums.


Notice something wrong with your teeth or gums? We can diagnose and treat any ailments that may have developed in your mouth.


At Mentor Smiles, we care about the health of your teeth, which is why our general dentistry team will go the extra mile during each of your bi-annual appointments for our customers throughout Mentor, Willoughby Hills, Eastlake, Kirtland, Willoughby, Concord Township, OH, and the surrounding areas.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment with our dentist for a top-of-the-line dental cleaning! Your teeth will thank you!

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